CFOE – Lite

Built for Small Contractors


Hey Contractor!  We’ve outlined a version of the top 10 business problems for small contractors, and we want to understand better. Tell us which of these challenges you face, so we can tailor our services to help you out. Your input will guide us in creating solutions that genuinely make a difference for businesses like yours. Let’s tackle these issues together


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Latest #new & #trends

Sustainable Ventures Through Cooperative Principles

SUMMARY Adopting cooperative principles can help grass-roots and social entrepreneurs create sustainable ventures by fostering community, shared resources, and equitable compensation. By pooling resources, offering modest stipends, and ensuring basic needs are met,...

Understanding Business Co-Ops

SUMMARY An ideal image to describe a business cooperative would depict a diverse group of individuals working together collaboratively. This could include people sitting around a table engaged in a discussion, working together on a project, or participating in a...

Pricing for Profit: the Dollar Store

SUMMARY A business owner using Amazon's fulfillment services blamed increased fees for his company's bankruptcy, highlighting that entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Leveraging Amazon's vast logistics and customer reach can be beneficial but requires...

Business is Warfare, Not Competitive Friendships

SUMMARY A business owner using Amazon's fulfillment services blamed increased fees for his company's bankruptcy, highlighting that entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. Leveraging Amazon's vast logistics and customer reach can be beneficial but requires...